Inositol, 927
Inositol metabolism, 720
Inositol tetrakisphosphate (IP
), 720
Ins(l,3,4,5)P4, 720
Insolubility upon deoxygenation, 958
Insulins, 25, 47, 82, 279, 289, 291, 489,
490, 505, 514, 608, 702, 740, 877
biological actions, 494
bovine, 35
GLUT4, 226
lispro, 491
type A, 495
secretion, 208, 228, 492, 494
struture and synthesis, 490, 492
Insulin and growth factors
receptors, 721
Insulin and insulin-like growth factors, 740
insulin glucagon ratio, 507
Insulin receptor, 494, 515, 721
Insulin receptor substrate-1,494
Insulin resistance, 227
Insulin-dependent diabetes, 218
Insulin-like growth factor-2, 524
Insulin-like growth factors, 739
Insulinoma, 282
Integrated regulation of liver glycogen
metabolism, 290
Integrins, 163
recognition, 163
Intercalating agents, 553
Interchange of carbon dioxide and
oxygen, 655
Interconversion of amino acids, 335
Interferon, 835
a ,
, 835
y ,
305, 835
-interferon, 305
Interferons, 834, 835
Interleukins, 808, 834
Interleukins 1
, 680
Intermediary metabolism, 77, 777
Intermediate filaments, 453
Internal and external genitalia, 787
International normalized ratio (INR), 864
International standardization index
(ISI), 864
International unit (U), 90
Interrelationships of organs, 486
Intervening sequences of mRNA, 569
Intestinal absorption of dietary iron, 678
Intestinal epithelial cells, 226
Intestinal mucosa, 278
Intestinal receptor for IF-B
complex, 921
small, 339
Intolerance of carbohydrates, 213
treatment of
competitive substrates in, 96
Intracellular (mucosal) phase of
digestion, 218
Intracellular degradation, 178
Intracellular enzymes, 122
Intracellular postranslational
modifications, 588
Intracellular targeting, 267
Intraluminal phase of digestion, 216
Intrinsic factor (IF), 198, 918, 921
Intrinsic pathway activator of factor X, 856
Introns, 85, 563, 565, 569, 570
class I, 571
class II, 571
Inulin, 296
Invasiveness in tissue culture, 161
activation and organification of, 770
uptake o f, 770
Iodide peroxidase catalyzes, 770
Iodine, 769, 770, 773, 892
Iodine test for starch, 147
Iodoacetate, 230
Iodoacetic acid, 98
Iododeoxyuridine, 641
Iodothyronine deiodinases
type I, 776
type II, 776
type III, 776
Ion product of water, 4
Ion-exchange chromatography, 37
Ion-exchange resins, 38
Ionic interactions, 52
Ionizing radiation, 545
Ionophores, 261
IRE-binding protein (IRE-BP), 607
Iron, 892
absorption, 675
distribution, 676
storage, 679
Iron deficiency anemia, 681
Iron metabolism, 675
Iron regulatory element (IRE), 676
Iron regulatory protein (IRP1), 676
Iron response element binding protein, 607
Iron transport
plasma, 679
Iron utilization in cells
regulation of, 607
Iron-response elements, 607
Iron-storage disorders, 682
Iron-sulfur centers, 251, 254
Iron-sulfur clusters (4Fe-4S), 680
Irreversible enzyme inhibitors, 92
Irreversible inhibition, 98
Irreversible-inhibition studies, 106
IRS-1 phosphorylation, 495
Ischemia, 123, 272, 444
Islets of langerhans, 201, 220, 490
Isocitrate dehydrogenase, 243
Isodesmosine, 24, 179
Isoelectric focusing, 40
separation of proteins by, 41
Isoelectric point (pi), 28, 40
Isoenzyme concentration, 122
Isoenzymes, 110, 233
of hexokinase, 227
Isoforms (also known as isozymes) of
nitric oxide synthase, 346
Isolecucine, 279
Isoleucine, 20, 214, 279, 331
8 6
Isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate to
-phosphoglycerate, 231
Isomerization of citrate to isocitrate, 241
Isomerization of glucose-
-phosphate, 229
Isoniazid, 569, 917
Isonicotinic hydrazide, 338
Isoprenyl pyrophosphate
condensation to form squalene, 420
Isopropanol, 97, 236
Isotonic solution, 933
Isotope exchange, 106
IV, 586, 587
IX, 586
Jamaica, 282
Jansen’s disease, 887
Janus kinase, 833
Janus kinase 2 (Jak-2), 722
Jaundice, 298, 694
Jeffreys probe, 535
Jejunoileal bypass, 236
Jejunum, 208
Joule (J), 69
Junctin, 465
Juvenile GMr gangliosidosis, 413
Juvenile metachromatic leukodystrophy,
K-ras, 611
Kallikrein, 127,304
Kallmann’s syndrome, 732
Kaolin, 857
Kartagener’s syndrome, 484
Katal (kat), 90
Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS), 270
Keratan sulfate, 183, 185, 324
a-keratin, 54
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